

Евгения начала фотографировать во время работы оперной певицей в Московском Академическом Музыкальном театре имени Станиславского и Немировича-Данченко. Дух сцены и танца — центральная тема её фотографий. Работы Евгении занимают призовые места на международных фотоконкурсах (MonoVision, IPA и др.) и выставляются в галлереях по всему миру.

Также Евгения стала официальным фотографом различных международных танцевальных и театральных фестивалей, таких как Фестиваль «Контекст. Диана Вишнева» (Россия), Фестиваль современного танца «ПРИЗМА» (Панама) и других. Её фотографии выставлялись в России, Европе, США и странах Латинской Америки.


  • Галлерея Театра Солис (Монтевидео, 2023)

  • Галлерея Морфо (Чикаго, 2019)

  • Студия Терра Саунд (Чикаго, 2019)

  • Галлерея Джеронимо (Панама, 2016)

  • Officine Fotografiche (Рим, 2016)

  • Галлерея Посольства Албании (Гаага, 2016)

  • Галлерея Мануель Амадор (Панама, 2015)

  • Галлерея Университета Панамы (Панама, 2015)

  • Галлерея ПромГрафика (Москва, 2014)

  • Атриум МАМТ (Москва, 2014)

  • Галлерея Беляево (Москва, 2014)

  • Государственный Музей театрального и музыкального Искусства (Санкт-Петербург, 2014)

”Evgenia Koroleva is one of our time's most particular and original ballets and stage photographers. Her distinctive images put the spectator right into the show, close to the dancers. The lines are clean, and the colors are bright and contrasting, yet sometimes her “swans” seem almost unreal as if they were taken out of a magical dream. Not so many photographers can bring their own personal style into stage reportage, and Evgenia is one of them. Without losing the mood of a performance, she knows how to help us see it from a different perspective. Evgenia always chooses unusual angles and unexpected moments to make her pictures. She creates this exciting, mysterious atmosphere and reminds us that ballet will always remain a miracle. Thanks to Evgenia's art, we can take a look behind the curtains, step onto the stage, or even soar above it. We can actually “feel” the spirit of the performance. Without a doubt, Evgenia creates very emotional, passionate, and powerful images that can awaken anybody’s interest in the art of ballet."

- Giulia Kascina, Anna Pavlova Network (Milan)

" A photographer is a type of person - it’s impossible to resist this passion. Evgenia - a natural photographer. She is a virtuoso of observation. Her pictures are perceived as small stories in which everyday things become new and unusual things become familiar and close. Evgenia has a unique eye - noticing minor nuances, she creates her reality. Her imagination draws a picture of life, filled with half-tones of mood, which allows not only freezing the moment but also maintaining the emotional impulse of what is happening. The Koroleva singer's experience helps Koroleva, the photographer, capture and convey the elusive, for an outside observer, the atmosphere of the theater's life. But, I am sure that the more critical part of her photo-creativity success is another thing - her dramatic photographs are lacking in theatricality. They are full of life, and this is fascinating. The world of theater, backstage, and stage intrigues, fascinates, and attracts. Evgenia does not tear the veil of the mysterious from it but turns this world to the viewer with a different side, not less interesting and exciting. And she does it like a true photo master - she draws with light and shadow, finding unusual proportions in half-light and spotlight. The glare of the limelight and the decorations in her photographs acquire a different meaning. They cease to be only the scene; they become elements of human life, work, despair, and joy. To finish with a quote by an unknown author: “I always thought that good photos are like good jokes. If you explain to them, they are no longer so good.” Evgenia's photos do not need an explanation; they tell more than words.

- Tatyana Borodyna, Chief Editor of the Magazine "Elegant New York" (NYC)

«У Евгении есть существенное преимущество перед другими фотографами: с 2006 года она работает оперной певицей в Музыкальном Театре Станиславского и Немировича-Данченко в Москве. Недавно в два параллельных мира, в которых творит этот художник, вторглась другая реальность – Искусство фотографии. Фотографии Евгении — это не просто снимки тех или иных театральных ситуаций, а поэтический взгляд на театральную жизнь».

- Анна Смирина, директор Исторического музея МАМТ (Москва)